Sunak is deluded if he thinks he's in with a chance of being voted in again. From here to election day the Conservatives are going to come up with all really good ideas, which they didn't do whilst they were in power. Should they get in again, all those ideas will disappear and it will be back to what we have now. I don't trust them at all. If Reform don't win, England is sunk.

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It's good news that Tice has taken the 'build a team' advice, now it's time to take the gloves off. The LibLabCon are such easy targets. Reform could make history if they got their act together but there isn't much time. They need to get Tice and the new spokesmen/women touring Britain at town and village hall meetings and make an impact all over the internet. They must face the public, become trusted faces, get known and learn to speak well on their feet and argue for Reform to save Britain, urgently. This really is our last chance.

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The bottom line is do we trust what Labour or Conservatives say...I do not. This is looking better and better for Reform UK

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I see Richard Tice is starting at GB NEWS from Monday 25th September.

Sir Nigel can keep an eye on him better there in the run up to the GE...😀

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It's almost as if Sunak's been asleep. Has Boris, in ecoloon mode, woken him up? Has one of the Spads read a newspaper? Heaver News? Facebook? Shown them to the Boss? Or was it Lord Ganesh during his recent trip to India? "Those Weffers and the EU want Starmer to have your job, mate."

As for Richard Tice, he should realise the public don't want old geezers, UKIPpers in Reform clothing, grumbling in village halls, preaching to the converted. Get those girls out, Alex and Belinda in hi vis and hard hats out on the building sites and in the high tech factories. Somebody wake Tice up or better, send his girlfriend out to the hustings.

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