Is everyone half asleep? The Tories signed up to the UN's Migration Pact OVER FIVE YEARS AGO. What did you think would happen? Why haven't those dimwits at Reform been shouting about it? Why isn't there a Reform youtube video on this, with half a million views by now? Why isn't it all over Reform's Twitter feeds? Why doesn't it feature in Reform's soppy leaflets at each by-election where they've failed dismally and only helped Labour? FFS Reform up your game, Britain is under attack, it has been for years, it is being destroyed by mass, unvetted immigration as the primary weapon and you don't even know who is behind it and why.
It's interesting to note that one year's immigration figure is 680.000 more in total than the strength of the British Army of 65000. I recently joined Reform, it's perhaps the only way we can put our case over to the Conservatives, and more of us should do so, it seems to be the only weapon we have left. Sunak not being an Anglo Saxon is not going to think like one. I am a lifelong Conservative voter, but under the present non leadership, for the sake of this once great nation- he has to go.
It's like the Conservatives don't want to be re-elected! How can they possibly be so very out of touch with the person in the street? Reform has improved, but it's still not enough. They haven't got the message that there are still people who have not heard of them, others point out they're weak. I haven't had any news from our local representative, nothing.
It is now absolutely essential that Reform campaigns against ALL pro-immigration parties, that is Cons, Labour, DimLibs and Green-but-really-reds. The ENTIRE political establishment and our Marxist media are singing the China tune that the west, not them, should open its doors to the 3rd world. Obviously it is a tactic to ruin the west, exactly the same is happening in the US, millions pouring across the southern border to wreck society, wreck the economy and boost the Democrat/pro-China vote.
Our main political parties do not represent us or our views, they find them uncomfortable... they don’t listen to us because the truth is also uncomfortable and because they just want hyper globalisation... mass migration is all part of a bigger plan... across most of the western world our birth rates continue to decline... whilst the demographic of the population migrating at such an alarming rate into our respective countries proliferate at a rate that is deeply worrying, or at least it should be! I too am hoping that Reform can muster the right level of support for I can see ‘our country’ will not be ‘our country’ for much longer.
Is everyone half asleep? The Tories signed up to the UN's Migration Pact OVER FIVE YEARS AGO. What did you think would happen? Why haven't those dimwits at Reform been shouting about it? Why isn't there a Reform youtube video on this, with half a million views by now? Why isn't it all over Reform's Twitter feeds? Why doesn't it feature in Reform's soppy leaflets at each by-election where they've failed dismally and only helped Labour? FFS Reform up your game, Britain is under attack, it has been for years, it is being destroyed by mass, unvetted immigration as the primary weapon and you don't even know who is behind it and why.
It's interesting to note that one year's immigration figure is 680.000 more in total than the strength of the British Army of 65000. I recently joined Reform, it's perhaps the only way we can put our case over to the Conservatives, and more of us should do so, it seems to be the only weapon we have left. Sunak not being an Anglo Saxon is not going to think like one. I am a lifelong Conservative voter, but under the present non leadership, for the sake of this once great nation- he has to go.
It's like the Conservatives don't want to be re-elected! How can they possibly be so very out of touch with the person in the street? Reform has improved, but it's still not enough. They haven't got the message that there are still people who have not heard of them, others point out they're weak. I haven't had any news from our local representative, nothing.
It is now absolutely essential that Reform campaigns against ALL pro-immigration parties, that is Cons, Labour, DimLibs and Green-but-really-reds. The ENTIRE political establishment and our Marxist media are singing the China tune that the west, not them, should open its doors to the 3rd world. Obviously it is a tactic to ruin the west, exactly the same is happening in the US, millions pouring across the southern border to wreck society, wreck the economy and boost the Democrat/pro-China vote.
Our main political parties do not represent us or our views, they find them uncomfortable... they don’t listen to us because the truth is also uncomfortable and because they just want hyper globalisation... mass migration is all part of a bigger plan... across most of the western world our birth rates continue to decline... whilst the demographic of the population migrating at such an alarming rate into our respective countries proliferate at a rate that is deeply worrying, or at least it should be! I too am hoping that Reform can muster the right level of support for I can see ‘our country’ will not be ‘our country’ for much longer.