I committed the hideous crime of completing my postal vote for Reform UK in Rishi's constituency last week😜. Onwards and upwards

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45+ seats.

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Might be a bit optimistic but I wouldn't be upset. My Gen Z has just been on the phone his friends are all voting Reform next week. I'm actually quite proud they haven't been infected with the same garbage as the millennial. They really are hope for the future.

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Treacherous Tories binned - now onwards to make Labour in power a National Laughing Stock as they implement one daft socialist idea after another and show young people their staggering incompetence and stupidity.

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That's more like it.

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If Starmer does do as he previously indicated and bring in PR we should be in no doubt that he will try to do so in a way that somehow stops Reform and other right leaning parties from profiting.

If we could have a PR system as per the Euro elections then our whole electoral system would be changed forever. Going back to 2015 when the Libs and SNP managed 2.5 million votes between them and from memory 61 seats, while UKIP received just shy of 4 million votes with one seat shows just how FPTP favours a two party system. With PR we would have had a Conservative/UKIP alliance and no doubt a quick change of Conservative leader to facilitate this.

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No smoke without fire here. Online live poll from Yahoo via AOL


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