The Problem is that We do not have a Govt with a Backbone, Labour are no better so I'm Voting for Reform.

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We need to put some of the elitist desire for mass immigration in context.

1. The left wants to import voters, Blair wanted to rub the rights nose in open borders

2. Global companies want cheap labour

3. Global companies can skimp on investing in and training their work forces

4. We are suffering from a demographic trough - we have not been having enough babies since 1971 to sustain the indigenous population.

5. Our current economic system relies on a larger generation of workers compared to retired people - with Baby boomers retiring this model is destroyed.

Its not enough to control our borders (which is vital), we also need some fundamental changes such as:

1. Incentives to have children (and make owning houses affordable). Aim to have a sustainable population.

2. Proper training and apprenticeships, ditching woke degrees in useless subjects and more incentives to increase STEM skills and knowledge. We need to completely overhaul education and balance academics and vocational. This also means re-industrialising as China declines (with its own demographic catastrophe and financial mess). Globalism is dying.

3. reverse the stupidity of tax grabs from both Labour (Brown) and Tory (Osborne) that have utterly devalued pensions in the UK

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100% agree with your comments Charles! In particular your point 2 for proper training and apprenticeships. It’s vital that more is done there and students are encouraged to see the value of good apprenticeships as equal value to A levels and worthless degrees. Fair play to genuinely academic students we need those too. However, too many children leave schools these days thinking they must get into university and get a degree, many of which are pointless guff, that will give the student nothing in terms of job satisfaction and a great income, and a return in investment to the country for funding the said worthless degree. Many of our universities shouldn’t even be universities as they don’t have the rigour necessary, and as you mentioned, the best of academic courses such as STEM.

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Only our government would give an illegal migrant £3000 to leave!

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Hotel costs £8million per day at last count...

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That's horrendous.

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It's beyond shocking!

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I can’t see any party fully rowing back on any kind of migration legal or otherwise, nobody seems to have the political will, the political brain and any political common sense; most politicians globally seem in hoc to some radical funding elites who ‘pimp’ out politicians at their behest so that they achieve their global goal. And, many of our young are disaffected and not in the least patriotic, they will fight for any other cause and none, but never the UK, and they are the next generation of government too. And so Migrants have been allowed and encouraged to flood the UK, as with the rest of Europe, via all means legal and illegal; which is also aided by the 29 countries in the Schengen Area open border agreement. There is a large amount of money lining the same pockets as mentioned above, so the migration economy will continue to boom for as long as the ‘blind’ do gooders, charities, churches, universities, political classes et al continue to deny its a problem. And, now the Ireland of Ireland has the bare faced cheek to want to return migrants to the UK; what an outrageous suggestion… two minutes into the new Rwanda scheme and now we are to blame… we are an unsafe country too, you couldn’t make it up…

… but there is an undeniable worryingly huge migrant presence now that it feels like they are becoming apocalyptic in their behaviour emboldened by world events and funding from elites like Soros et al. Imported crimes proliferate, rape accounting for more than 70% in France by foreign nationals, so it will be the same here if we collected or made public the stats, knife crime is rife yet another inocent young person killed a day or so ago by a monster with a sword, and yet Khan will win again, because the Tories have put no effort into Susan Hall and because Khan’s corrupt cronies will ensure his re-election and the final death of London as we knew it; our capital is a cesspit of corruption, lies, deceit and depravity … it stinks, and no I don’t mean the Thames! There’s so much to this it’s hard not to ramble and I fear I may have already done that 😳

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Interesting analysis Michael, an honest but depressing read. I posted this on Matt Goodwin's substack, I hope it gets through to Tice & Co >> And yesterday's polling in the DT on Reform was depressing/predictable; for 18-24's they're on 4.2% (Labour 61%) 24-49's 7.2% (Lab 57%), 50-64's 14% (Lab44%) and only with the over 65's does Reform have any impact at 20.8% (Lab 26%, Cons 37%) THE OBVIOUS CONCLUSION is that Reform is making absolutely ZERO headway with under 50's and that is because of the useless 'team' advising Tice at Reform HQ - sack the lot, they were useless running UKIP, even worse running Reform.

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Thanks - I'm always honest and straight with my readers!

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If only your subscribers (and your good self!) we’re running the country Michael. But the party system puts paid to anyone seeking office. Independents do not have the resources to run a campaign and standing under any existing political flag insists that you tow the party line, have no ideas of your own and keep your mouth shut when it goes wrong. Mrs B highlights the difficulty with Reform; it’s the last gasp of the baby boomers who remember how Britain could and should be run. Nothing wrong with that but they need to open the discussion out to the younger generations. Blair is at the bottom of most of this, quelle surprise! Getting 50% of school leavers into university was his trump card. Brainwashing by a bunch of Marxist, bitter failures has guaranteed a legion of mini me acolytes who will go with the programme. Ironic that Marxists are clearing the path for unelected billionaire globalists to rule the World.

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Interesting time now with the elections today. We will find out how corrupt the voting system is when the London Mayor figures are released? There is only one party the British people should vote for in these elections and the GE is the Reform Party. 🇬🇧

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