I think it is now too late for the Tory Party to redeem themselves. They have failed miserably to drain the swamp so the Civil Service which is huge calls the shots. Therefore too much at stake to risk our one and only vote again.
They would rather lose than implement the Braverman agenda. Which is essentially a conservative position very similar to reform’s. There is no question that we’ve reached the point where progress will only come after the implosion of the Tory party, two thirds of whose MPs are Lib/Soc Democrats in Tory clothing. That said, Tice needs to step up attacks on Labour in the Red Wall, and the Libs in the south.
I think it is now too late for the Tory Party to redeem themselves. They have failed miserably to drain the swamp so the Civil Service which is huge calls the shots. Therefore too much at stake to risk our one and only vote again.
Certainly an increasing number of voters seem to agree with you, Maureen, hence the rise in support for Reform!
Not surprising, they're not remotely 'Conservative'.
They would rather lose than implement the Braverman agenda. Which is essentially a conservative position very similar to reform’s. There is no question that we’ve reached the point where progress will only come after the implosion of the Tory party, two thirds of whose MPs are Lib/Soc Democrats in Tory clothing. That said, Tice needs to step up attacks on Labour in the Red Wall, and the Libs in the south.
Boris Johnson won the majority for the Conservatives as Prime Minister and they should bring him back to finish his programme.