Not sure how far Reform can go without him unless they have something else up their sleeve.

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Well, Nigel’s decision doesn’t surprise me, I said so last time, he sees that it’s more to everyone’s advantage, including his own, if he agitates from the sidelines on his various platforms and causes waves where necessary as per the likes of the de-banking scandal and applying pressure against signing up to the nefarious WHO pandemic treaty. I can’t blame him for his decision as he’s fought long and hard previously, gained many votes, and not won a seat as per our electoral system… now just isn’t the time! If he’s going to be part of Trump’s campaign and perhaps gain a position in the administration, should it come to pass Trump wins, good luck to him, I think we will benefit as a country in some way too; let’s hope so anyway, she says optimistically!

So that’s Nigel sorted, but what about the rest of us, the common proletariat, where do we go, who do we vote for, what must we do to stop this apparent ‘march of the smug labour politicians, commentators, bourgeoisie useful idiots’, watching them salivate and butt kiss around Starmer is nauseating and very, very worrying and it’s going to send us all nuts by the 4th July. I personally would like to be like Jeffry in Sponge Bob and hide under a large rock down in Bikini Bottom, until the whole episode is over and the useful idiots realise, after electing Starmer, that he and his woefully inadequate, educationally inept cabinet are going to get us all killed, or demographically replaced by every moron and his dog from every other third world country, who by the way are delighted to palm off onto this once great country!

We have two hopes Bob and No 🤷‍♀️

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He's both disappointed and pleased so many people in one go. Many were depending on him and many were scared. He's probably done the Tories a favour, those most scared of Labour will hold their nose now and give Sunak the benefit of the doubt. I doubt Tice is the one to lead any revolution. He might win Boston & Skegness but he'll lose Lee Anderson.

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Way to go Nigel. Looks like Scotland just threw of the Xi-CCP yoke. Biden dumped US weapons in Afghanistan on purpose to feed the Taliban-Iran-Xi-CCP plus Russia ("Patsy Putin) "Axis of Resistance"(?). Resistance to what? Must be world peace so the Xi-CCP can do some enhanced shoplifting of the world's resources unimpeded by the rightful owners.

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Not a surprise. It's a funny thing - I don't think Nigel is all that well known over in the States? Yet he feels Trump needs him to help him with his campaign. Odd.

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Hi Lia,

Actually Trump supporters think very highly of Nigel, so that's at least a third of voters and with the farce trial going on, will I think be a lot more. I wouldn't be surprised if Nigel ended up moving there, especially if Trump wins.....though Trump in the States and Nigel here, would be a winning team for a lot of us. If Biden stays in, the whole world is in trouble! Imho. Penny x

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I didn't know that Penny. Yes Trump in the States and Nigel here - we wish! x

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I'm inclined to follow US politics rather than ours, because they're more interesting tbh. I know that I dread the thought of Starmer getting in....it's not just him, he's got the awful Lammy and Rayner in tow....it's a frightening thought. x

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People who vote for those two are obviously cretins. The hustings should show them up over the next few weeks though.

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Completely agree! A nightmare.

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