How can anyone let in nearly 1000 illegal migrants in 24 boats? They can see them coming in and we send Border patrol and RNLI to go and pick them up for a free taxi ride here. Push and turn them back in their boats to France. Somebody needs to turn them around, its not that difficult. RNLI are a disgrace, along with Border patrol.

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WHEN will the penny drop for Tory supporters that the Tory party is run by Marxists hell bent on destroying Britain, with a few smiling 'faces' leading the party, pretending to be conservatives? There's no need for Labour with the staggering damage being done by fake Tories over the past gruesome 12 years, with criminal immigration and debt now spiralling out of control.

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Tories are losing Grass Roots Memebers to Reform Uk because of their Arrogance, Rishi Sunak was not elected as a PM? So bring on a General Election then Maybe the Tories will Finally Realise that what they have done is to Turn Members against them, the Worst thing they ever did was to Ignore their Members, Time for them to be Ousted.

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We are in a war...these are NOT tories. Vote Reform ...it's now our party.

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