This country needs a true Brexiteer as leader who has a cabinet around them that supports the leader and works for the people of the UK. Let's all be positive about the situation at present. Let's get behind the Brexiteers in parliament.
I despair for Brexit and remain totally flummoxed over the way thing’s were handled stretching right back to the very moment David Dimbleby announced “so there you have it, the results speak for themselves”.
Cameron’s stepping aside effectively brought absolute chaos to the Conservative Party and more alarmingly as 650 parliamentarians, then seemingly appeared galvanized to screech in chorus, No! No, it’s pandemonium they (we) want and duly set about delivering something two further installed Prime Minister’s abysmally failed to truly secure.
Boris said as much in his stepping aside statement as he abandoned his post. People, (regardless of their ethnicity) have an abundance of skills and are contributing significantly to our economy. I couldn’t agree more.
This latest episode of a bad soap seems more aligned to our being subconsciously tested on whether it matter’s if the candidate is Black (Leave with a twist) or White, yes we can leave with a huge great big but scenario attached.
The integrity of these candidates must seriously be in doubt because when given a resounding endorsement from a jubilant electorate, a thumping 80+ seat parliamentary majority, Boris abandoned the people. It will not be any different going forward, the exact same unconscionable decisions that delivered us pandemonium persist to this day and thanks to all those who voted to ratify their capitulation compact, see you on the front line.
It is crazy not finishing Brexit, it still splits the UK, gives the EU leverage to our laws, and significantly shackles the UK's ability to fully exploit Brexit. Our coastal communities have also been betrayed. Boris has fudged this issue, it's time to correct this.
Ok I'm in, as Brexit is Still to be completed.
Cheers Anita and welcome!
This country needs a true Brexiteer as leader who has a cabinet around them that supports the leader and works for the people of the UK. Let's all be positive about the situation at present. Let's get behind the Brexiteers in parliament.
I despair for Brexit and remain totally flummoxed over the way thing’s were handled stretching right back to the very moment David Dimbleby announced “so there you have it, the results speak for themselves”.
Cameron’s stepping aside effectively brought absolute chaos to the Conservative Party and more alarmingly as 650 parliamentarians, then seemingly appeared galvanized to screech in chorus, No! No, it’s pandemonium they (we) want and duly set about delivering something two further installed Prime Minister’s abysmally failed to truly secure.
Boris said as much in his stepping aside statement as he abandoned his post. People, (regardless of their ethnicity) have an abundance of skills and are contributing significantly to our economy. I couldn’t agree more.
This latest episode of a bad soap seems more aligned to our being subconsciously tested on whether it matter’s if the candidate is Black (Leave with a twist) or White, yes we can leave with a huge great big but scenario attached.
The integrity of these candidates must seriously be in doubt because when given a resounding endorsement from a jubilant electorate, a thumping 80+ seat parliamentary majority, Boris abandoned the people. It will not be any different going forward, the exact same unconscionable decisions that delivered us pandemonium persist to this day and thanks to all those who voted to ratify their capitulation compact, see you on the front line.
It is crazy not finishing Brexit, it still splits the UK, gives the EU leverage to our laws, and significantly shackles the UK's ability to fully exploit Brexit. Our coastal communities have also been betrayed. Boris has fudged this issue, it's time to correct this.
no one should be able to undo brexit without a referendum
the tory MPs are killing brexit other wise they would have made sure of a brexit prime minister