Come the election Conservative Associations should flex their emasculated muscles and begin deselecting the traitors. It will probably come too late to save the election but at least the party would start the fight back with a clean slate. The whole process of selection needs huge reform. Tory constituencies are sent a handful of people to select from. If you aren’t on CCHQ’s approved list you can’t be considered (same with Labour) Getting on their list amounts to turning up at the London office and saying the things that the Sophies and Joshes have on uncle Big Guns check list. To hell with good local candidates who are broadly Conservative but haven’t been schooled in the art of voting the right way, at all times. The rebels now have been around too long, they think they are so unique and insightful that the party can’t do without them. As you say Ben they have finally crossed the Rubicon and their bright future is behind them!

I want sensible, local candidates who have some experience of life; that does not mean Oxbridge and a few years as a SPAD.

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Thanks for your comment and for supporting Heaver News as a paid subscriber! It seems clear to me that some Conservative MPs are already plotting to try and oust Liz Truss before the next General Election.

Your point about candidate selection is an interesting one. I remember the rebel Remainer Tory MPs that Boris Johnson kicked out all got heavily defeated when they stood as Independents. Perhaps the party's leadership should be more forceful in reminding MPs of that.

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Liz has Buckled to The Globalists, I'm praying that Reform UK and Reclaim join forces to Oust the Tories, Once and for all This kind of Politics cannot Continue, It's bringing Our Country Down.

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