Tice: Reform To Stand In 630 Constituencies
'We have over 560 candidates already lined up to stand in the General Election whenever it comes.'
What were your most memorable images in the Titanic film? The splendour, the overconfidence, the arrogance of the elite, the comfort for the haves versus the have nots? The scramble for the life rafts, the ingenuity of those determined to escape. Or those who knew all was lost but decided to go down with the ship.
There are shades of the Tory Party in this tale. MPs are abandoning ship early by announcing they will not stand at the next election; they know a lost cause when they see one.
Activists and Tory party members are also leaving the faded splendour and joining the exciting new party that I lead, Reform UK; they are coming over in their thousands.
Over 7,000 former Tory Members and activists have joined Reform UK in recent weeks including a record 24 hours just after Jeremy Hunt gave his tax raising budget. People knew the game was up, it is over.
There are many individual reasons why someone makes the leap. But there is a common theme. There are now two forms of socialism which are in power in the main two parties: red socialism, which we know of old, and this new Consocialism, a blue, high tax, high spend, nanny state government.
Real traditional conservatives abhor this development. They recognise there is no defining principle left, it is all about power for powers sake.
People know Brexit has been betrayed, in its entirety. So much for Take Back Control. The Consocialist Tories have not taken control of our borders, nor our laws, nor our money.
Firstly we now have fully open borders as proved when the ONS last week admitted that at least a net 504,000 more people had come lawfully in the year to June 2022. Again this led to our second highest day of new members.
The illegal immigration across the Channel is an international, humiliating scandal. Some 42,000 illegals have arrived so far; some will be genuine but we know most are economic migrants at best whilst many are foot soldier to be criminals in Albanian gangs.
The Tories are now rowing back from the idea of a bonfire of daft EU rules, under the new global order of Hunt & Sunak. So no taking back control of our laws.
Then what about our money? Well we are still sending vast sums to the EU as well as in foreign aid, such as £54 million to superpower China and £100s millions on climate change virtue signalling.
Reform UK has just released our updated policy document on our website. We have over 560 candidates already lined up to stand in the General Election whenever it comes. Â So we will be standing everywhere except in Northern Ireland, some 630 seats.
I have never known such anger and frustration by so many voters with the Westminster class. Real change is coming. It is quite possible that we are seeing the slow but certain sinking of the final majority Tory Government in our lifetime.
I'm already a member of the Reform Party, but I totally agree with Mrs Bucket and Yorkieeye's comments. Well said, both of you.
Tice needs to learn how to win in ONE constituency first. Results so far have been embarrassing. A political party CANNOT rely on 'all the others are awful, vote for us' - that isn't enough. There are at least five major things Reform isn't doing, he's being advised by idiots.