I'm already a member of the Reform Party, but I totally agree with Mrs Bucket and Yorkieeye's comments. Well said, both of you.

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Tice needs to learn how to win in ONE constituency first. Results so far have been embarrassing. A political party CANNOT rely on 'all the others are awful, vote for us' - that isn't enough. There are at least five major things Reform isn't doing, he's being advised by idiots.

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I have some sympathy with that view. We don’t need to be told repeatedly how useless the Government is, We already noticed that. We do need to know what Reform intend to do, in more detail. Reform need to stop looking like a party purely for disaffected ex Tories. They need to start addressing themselves to ALL voters. The woke left are marginalising ordinary, sensible people in droves and are a sitting target. Reform will not win anything as they are at present. We need to see policy, real potential, budgets and wider political appeal.

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And strong spokesmen and women in key roles, NOT A ONE MAN BAND.

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But will disaffected Tories be enough to win seats?

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NOT EVEN REMOTELY! Reform needs to utterly demolish ALL the existing parties, then paint a fabulous, positive, exciting vision for all sensible people, who are the majority. We might all hate Tony Blair here but his arrival on the scene was down to his energetic, positive delivery of great times ahead. Yes it was all baloney but he won 3 General Elections: 1997 (179 seat majority) 2001 (167 seat maj) and 2010 (78 seat maj).

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Reform already have a Policy, and it's a good oneThere are comments on here that make me Think some of them are hesistant and afraid Guess you'll be left wandering then? just ask yourselves this One Question, What has been achieved by the Cons Since Boris became Leader? and thereafter since they ousted Truss and Sunak took over? More taxes that People cannot afford, and Higher energy Bills. if you can think of anything else, then please feel free to comment!

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I understand what people are saying in their comments but now is not the time to launch anything yet. Let the tories hang themselves first and see which tories switch to us. After all we already have a manifesto out there?

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But even on sympathetic media I cannot find policy specifics.

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Telling us to read their manifesto is not how people vote. Very few people read party manifestos in full. Policy in a modern age is day to day small announcements on different subjects. Waiting to see how much farther the Government will fall is too late. As soon as a GE is coming the left wing media will throw everything behind a Labour victory and everyone else will be squeezed out. Reform should be making policy announcements now before the usual suspects start to dominate.

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