Pick a fragile Tory constituency Ben and work it. Boot out at least ONE treacherous, lying LibLabCon toad and make big headlines. Don't make the mistake of thinking that 47,000 followers on Twitter means anything; it's only 72 per UK constituency; better to have 4,700 fans in ONE constituency, an army to help you. With a sustained campaign running for 24 months in ONE constituency, you could easily win a marginal by attacking Tories, Labour and DimLibs relentlessly. Then you would be on the front pages and have enormous clout.

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In fact 470 fans in one constituency would be amazing, just 47 determined helpers could make you win. And it wouldn't take 24 months to skewer the LibLabCon in any constituency, 12, 6 or even 3 months might do it.

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Good plan Mrs B.

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Just the latest of a long list of betrayals. I hear Boris is back to talking the talk but why would we believe anything he says this time?

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Hear hear! We just hear lots of rhetoric to try and hide thinly veiled lie after treacherous lie. And, just what did happen to article 16? At one time it was all we heard, but now it’s been kicked into the long grass, whilst the powers that be hope it goes away limping like a wounded animal. Nobody seems to have any political will or gumption to deal with anything in this country frankly; Westminster is just full of pompous, liberal, dunder headed career politicians and grim civil servants.

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It’s obvious that this government has gone rogue and needs to be removed before it can do any more damage.

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This Govt Should be Ashamed of themselves! Their total Incompetence and their Failure to Act in Good Faith for the British People is something they Should Not be Proud of! I can't wait for Reform To Kick them out of Westminster, First Rule of Any Govt should be to Protect their People, this Govt have Shafted them, I can only hope sir Graham Brady likes his New Neighbours that's moved into I can't wait to see to crimewatch figures for Hale in Cheshire! But I'm Voting for Reform Not the Shower in Govt Now!

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