Hi David - Thanks for your comment and for being a paid subscriber. I'm totally unconvinced that another costly deal with France is going to stop the boats. Indeed the situation has got far worse this year after we handed over £54m last year!
An excellent piece and analogy of the farce going on around the Northern Ireland protocol. Whilst I am no expert, as far as I can see it is an insult to the people of Northern Ireland that the British Government should leave them in the hands of the EU. Sunak has no idea what his and his predecessors actions have done and are doing to Northern Ireland and it’s people. I remember the troubles like many other people and what a deeply hard won fight it was for many to get this far. Give us back our union NI is part of UK and that should be respected, revoke article 16!
The good and sensible people of Britain fought for years to force the lying, cheating, useless Tories to give us a referendum on the EU. We won it in June 2016. More than six years on, the lying, cheating, useless Tories have tried every slippery trick in the book to undermine and not deliver Brexit, whilst blowing billions like the drunken socialists they really are. Further, the Tories have been holding open our borders to some of the world's worst criminal detritus who abuse our welfare system, built by us and for us, not them. Crime, particularly against females has soared under Tory 'rule'. NOT ONE MORE DAY should be spent hoping the Tories might change their ways, they need to be kicked out of office as soon as possible, as we would any other Britain-hating, scrounging Marxists in the Labour Party.
Rishi has Bent to the EU Own this Rishi When you're voted out your a snake, fully agree with Ben Habib there must be a way to stop the Rot from the Cons.
A promise easily kept if the real masters are the same cabal as at CON27. This is global government in action our local concerns can be ignored with impunity. The next big global thing seems to be protection of the forests but that comes with sustainable development and rural inclusion. The latter in the small print of course. ££££.
The time for negotiations is long gone revoke article 16 is the only way until someone bites the bullet it will still go on for years
They don't want it to stop Roger, too much money to be made.
Quite. Betrayal by France too?
Hi David - Thanks for your comment and for being a paid subscriber. I'm totally unconvinced that another costly deal with France is going to stop the boats. Indeed the situation has got far worse this year after we handed over £54m last year!
An excellent piece and analogy of the farce going on around the Northern Ireland protocol. Whilst I am no expert, as far as I can see it is an insult to the people of Northern Ireland that the British Government should leave them in the hands of the EU. Sunak has no idea what his and his predecessors actions have done and are doing to Northern Ireland and it’s people. I remember the troubles like many other people and what a deeply hard won fight it was for many to get this far. Give us back our union NI is part of UK and that should be respected, revoke article 16!
Absolutely Michael....Macron is just taking the money and laughing at us.
The good and sensible people of Britain fought for years to force the lying, cheating, useless Tories to give us a referendum on the EU. We won it in June 2016. More than six years on, the lying, cheating, useless Tories have tried every slippery trick in the book to undermine and not deliver Brexit, whilst blowing billions like the drunken socialists they really are. Further, the Tories have been holding open our borders to some of the world's worst criminal detritus who abuse our welfare system, built by us and for us, not them. Crime, particularly against females has soared under Tory 'rule'. NOT ONE MORE DAY should be spent hoping the Tories might change their ways, they need to be kicked out of office as soon as possible, as we would any other Britain-hating, scrounging Marxists in the Labour Party.
"Simmering resentment" - spot on!
I don't trust Sunak at all and won't be surprised if we're heading back in to the EU....all globalists together!
Rishi has Bent to the EU Own this Rishi When you're voted out your a snake, fully agree with Ben Habib there must be a way to stop the Rot from the Cons.
They are all going to be swept away at the next GE and serve them right.
A promise easily kept if the real masters are the same cabal as at CON27. This is global government in action our local concerns can be ignored with impunity. The next big global thing seems to be protection of the forests but that comes with sustainable development and rural inclusion. The latter in the small print of course. ££££.