Anybody any idea what the percentage was on the 90 arrests of the 3 main groups, I bet the "far right" had the most ???? 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧

Sir Kneeler is USELESS.

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I prefer the nickname Adjustable Spanner.

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I wonder if Labour luvvies will update us on the progress of the poor soldier who was grievously stabbed a couple of weeks ago? And if people who object to their country becoming a crime ridden sh*thole are called 'Far Right' what do Labour call the people carrying AND USING KNIVES??

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Sadly, the likes of Labour use words for the people carrying knives and machetes that are soft terms which are meant to engender sympathy from other like minded fools who refuse to stand up for their fellow countryman and who would rather denigrate them and insult their intelligence with their lies. There’s some strange perception that ‘minority’ means victim, persecuted, always good, righteous which then affects political and generally accepted language in order to describe them… for example, protest/demonstration v riot, people v rioters, minority group v far right, ‘we want our country back’ v ‘Allah Akbar’ (which yes I know means god is great but used in current context is used as part of the jihad and dawa process to call Muslims to arms) so the political chattering classes would rather brown nose an Islamist extremist and not state what machete wielding nut jobs are than look at the root cause of the ire of the good people of this land!

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If this is how his premiership has started, think about what awaits us in the next 4 years!

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Too depressing to think about it anymore.

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