Reform needs to URGENTLY get its act together. A big chunk of the 4 million people who voted for Reform should be getting news EVERYDAY into their email boxes, or at least a weekly summary; this is a no brainer. The September conference is a VERY bad idea, and it's in Birmingham, a perfect target for trouble, it will be attacked. It's such an old fashioned idea asking people to come from all over the country to one place; expensive, grossly inefficient, dangerous. When will the old 'management' learn? Reform needs to be decentralised and much more competent online. Conferences should be regional or by county. And when will they appoint some proper spokesmen and women in key roles? When will Reform start its own Petition system?

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Well said as usual Mrs B. I couldn't agree more

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Well put, you need to be their Advisor😄

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Farage is now an MP and how he has changed! Frightened of upsetting the Establishment he threw Tommy under the bus. Like a lot of others In not supporting him anymore

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The Liebour government, MSM and other institutions (Police) are demonising right-leaning and socially conservative citizens hoping the smears will muzzle them. The violent idiots in the riots are reprehensible and not doing our cause any favours, by handing excuses to Starmer to clamp down. I expect hate laws will be introduced undermining free speech. Painting Farage as a bogeyman is also awful; we must resist this.

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I am 100% convinced we have a TRAITOR as PM. He cares NOTHING for this country. He only wants to be approved by the elitest. It's in EVERYTHING he touches....we are in trouble !!!

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Immigrants at the rate recently foisted on a compassionate unsuspecting West were pawns in Marxist destructionism (Mises). Marxists and elites bribed as tools and idealist types (useful idiots) use immigration especially of the un-assimilateable Moslems to disrupt your society and cause inter-racial (ethnic chaos) strife. The non-stop disruption in your life (see recent distuptions before the elections in Paris/France) causes great anxiety. You are drained mentally and financially. Then (whola!) in comes your Napoleon "savior" who will treat you like widgets and promise safety. Ha, ha. ha!. The goal is to take all your freedoms and then plunder your national wealth. Eventually this always fails. Venzuela is in the throws of failure. We all pray they succeed in ousting the tyrant fraud Maduro.

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I don't know anything about Tommy Robinson I haven't listened to his channel before but I'm aware many people see him as exposing the grooming gangs. Why does he seem to attract the accusation of racist and people who follow him are allegedly racist? Is he and his followers racist or is it a smearing campaign? Is Nigel distancing himself from anything or anybody seen as toxic because he's trying to get Reform to a professional place and doesn't want it raising alarm or is there something else?

Enlighten me with your grievances.

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I wonder what is now the composition of the population. All these lone, mainly young, males turning up over the channel must have skewered the male/female numbers. These will lead to trouble and a more dangerous country for women to move about in.

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All is lost and Farage blamed TR even though the press treats you both badly. Not listening to Farage ever again.

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