Sunak's dirty quick-election trick won't save him or the Tories. Imagine the result if Nigel Farage had a clear 3/4/5 months of campaigning; the entire Britain hating LibLabCon would be in the bin where they belong. But don't forget, the real enemy is the treacherous Civil Service and Marxist media. They are the ones to target, at all times.

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As usual, I totally agree with you Mrs B....especially about the non civil service....fancy our country being held to ransom by WFH pen pushers.

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Work From Home MARXIST pen pushers.

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Yes, sorry Mrs B....WFH MARXIST pen pushers....and I know where I'd like to shove those pens, too.I

Take care dear lady. x

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ha ha! Me too, and the desk the pens are chained to!

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Well said Mrs Bucket, as usual.

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The fact that Sunak refuses to either leave the ECHR or address it, just confirms that he's working for his paymasters, the WEF....

exactly the same as Biden and those pulling his strings, imho.

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I smell a rat.

YouGov have RUK on 17% no change in a week, Tory 18% Lab 38% and LD 15%.

I don't like this largely unreported either


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