The tories are dead....Sunak/Hunt are paid by the WEF and will try and prepare for the also paid Starmer to take us back in the EU WITHOUT a referendum, it's time for Reform UK to step up a notch.

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Michael, I wonder how long it will be before you have your bank accounts closed.

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Michael, you are trying too hard to be even handed. The Tories have had all manner of opportunities to sort out Brexit by decisive action. They will never do it. They want to be liked by similar people in the supranationals(who at some point might give them a sinecure). If you look at Vichy’s record so far it is a litany of “tough managerial” statements which are then dumped at the first sign of resistance. Liz Truss’ personality failings, but not her policies and ideas, look more and more tragic for the country with each day and disaster that passés.

They are burnt toast, no point in even talking about them. We need to strap in and work out how we are going to get through some really dark years that will follow a landslide of apathy for Kneeler. And how we are going to get a proper conservative opposition. First hurdle will be getting Biden and his crooks out.

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Isn’t this virtually the same as the Biden crime family are doing in America

Governments not listening to the people and there wishes and working against its own country

Don’t you think covid came along just at the right time for (the enemy) to start making up the rules as they went along pushing us as hard as they can down the wrong road

When will the English bulldog spirit return when will someone finally ask rishi (on live tv) how many votes he got to win his election and as the answer is not even one PUBLIC VOTE surely he is not a legitimate PM democracy in this country is therefor dead and we live in a banana republic

It’s all about control we won’t give it to them they have tried (covid) so now there just going to steal it clause Schwab and his merry un elected (sound familiar) brain dead satanists


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Nice try, won't happen, the Tories that matter are loyal only to EU/UN diktats, all backed by China. Ever wondered why?

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I remember Tory activists during the Nick Boles betrayal days. They are far too timid and polite to be called activist. We need belligerent angry so and sos like Lee Anderson, especially if he joins Reform.

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