Boris Johnson is a born leader and of course he does not do detail, that is for others who should have looked after him better. The country voted overwhelmingly for the Conservative Party at the last election with him as Prime Minister. Friends who vote Conservative, but are not members, say they feel disenfranchised by this process and I think they are right. I am still angry that he has been deposed by an ambitious City boy who now wants his job. I will vote for Liz Truss, not least because she and the other women she will promote might get a grip on this country. At least this election process has revealed some amazing female talent in the Party. Sunak is a snake.

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Detail and leadership are not mutually exclusive. I first had real doubts about Boris in 2016, the weekend after the vote to leave. I was anticipating the leave campaign to be in all the weekend political interview programs. What we go was deafening silence, then Gove stuck the knife in, quoting the world of chaos that surrounds Boris. I believe Boris did not think he could win, and had not prepared himself properly (only my opinion). Had he prepared, and stepped up to the plate that weekend, the leadership vacuum that induced Gove to do the dirty deed and allowed Teresa May into power would have been avoided. The utter disaster of the resultant zombie Parliament was a catastrophe, and also highlighted how Blair's meddling in the UK constitution are very damaging (supreme court straying into politics etc.). What went on then indicated to me Boris has severe shortfalls in vital areas of leadership.

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I hope Boris will not be sniping at the new PM. So far as having him return I am personally in two minds. On one hand, we owe Boris an enormous debt for pushing through Brexit, albeit very flawed, vaccinations, and of course Ukraine. I can forgive locking down, which in hindsight has landed the world in a massive downturn. On the other hand, Boris seems to be chaotic, lacks planning and does not do detail. I have not perceived that Boris has grasped the opportunities of Brexit, and has the courage to deeply reform the NHS, immigration, NI protocol or housing. All we have heard are platitudes and tinkering at the edges. The Fiscal route under Boris and Rishi has also something Gordon Brown would have been proud of - a horrible socialist mess. On balance he should have gone in my view, and let us hope Liz can face up to the real mess we are in and sort it out.

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