Remainstream Media Are Out To Destroy Truss's Tories
'They want revenge on the Tories for Brexit. And if Labour get into power, their EU dreams will be rekindled.'
I’d like to start today's rant with a caveat: I’m not a Tory. I never been and never will be. But I’ve got good mates who are Tories (including top-notch MPs like Lee Anderson). I even voted Tory, once – for Theresa May, to get Brexit done. Whoops… And unlike those loveless Labour losers in their silly little T-shirts, I’ve definitely kissed a Tory.
But today, I feel a huge amount of sympathy towards the Tories.
Why? Because as a journalist of 27 years who has dabbled in politics, I’m finding the current media hatchet job on the Tories utterly grotesque. I’ve never seen such naked bias against any political party, in all my life. And I was a Brexit Party MEP!
If you believed the BBC, Sky News, ITV or Channel 4, the world is about to end. Not thanks to Putin, nor Kim Jong-Un – but the evil Liz Truss and Kwasi Kwarteng.
The pound has tanked! No mortgages or pensions! The rich will get richer, while the poor will be forced to eat their cats! (Actually, that happened in socialist Venezuela, but let’s not let the facts get in the way of a good story).
This constant torrent of broadcast sewage – with a ceaseless, orchestrated, doom-laden Twitter backup – makes Project Fear look like balanced journalism.
My Project Fear reference is not accidental. Because as well as nakedly hating the Tories – these people aren’t impartial journalists, they’re Labour Party lackeys – the one thing these anchors (with a silent ‘W’) have in common, is a profound loathing for Brexit.
They’re still licking deep wounds inflicted by 17.4 million Leavers on June 23rd, 2016. They cannot forgive, nor forget. The Tories were the vehicle for Brexit. With Boris sidelined (for now) Truss is their new top target – even though she campaigned for Remain!
Since 2016, these hacks have wanted to topple the Tories.
They drone on about Truss’s £2 billion top bracket tax break, but were perfectly fine with the £400 billion the lockdown cost Britain – the real cause of our current woes. Perhaps that’s because Labour wanted sooner, harder, longer lockdowns?
COVID was the perfect crisis with which to constantly attack the Tories. These journalists pinned every death not on the virus, but on Boris Johnson.
Keir Starmer; he’s the apple of their eye. But why? It’s not just that they never outgrew Sixth Form socialism. Starmer was the lead bugle in the Remoaner army to cancel Brexit. Now, in Starmer they see a hope of Rejoining the EU.
Starmer has publicly stated he won’t push to rejoin if elected Prime Minister. That might pacify Red Wall voters, for now. Starmer’s media chums won’t press him on it.
But I think it is clear that Starmer will end up forming an electoral pact with the Lib Dems to form a coalition at the next General Election. Those pro-EU loons would sell their first-born to Brussels. Want to bet they’d make a second referendum a price of their pact?
In politics, it pays to think a few chess moves ahead. So that’s why Remainstream media want to destroy the Tories – even if it means destroying the economy. They want revenge on the Tories for Brexit. And if Labour get into power, their EU dreams will be rekindled.
It is unsurprising that in a recent Reuters opinion poll it was found that almost 50% of the British public never watch mainstream news. I am one of them. I prefer to rely on Michael Heaver, Maya Tousi and GB News. I am untouched by the MSM antipathy to Truss at al because I don’t engage. We are the people who will vote for policy and not spiteful gossip.
I turned away from the MSM immediately G B News started to stream online I was fed up with the bias left wing, propaganda spewed out.
Thanks to Nigel Farage we voted to leave the EU Boris bodged the leave and in his normal rush Northern Ireland is now a problem
Leave Prime Minister Liz Trust and her cabinet chance to get things straight, the spoilers need to stand down
I suggest the leavers, green support, men in suits who continually wreck anything, they can move and start another party THE KNOW IT ALL’S
BORN WITH HINDSIGHT and all needing to re-join the EU